I am sure that you have heard many times that you are supposed to say out loud keywords that you want to rank for in your video. But so far I haven’t seen anyone show why exactly. So let’s do a quick demonstration.
One of the videos on my youtube homescreen is from Kitchen Nightmares, so lets use that as an example:Go to the video page, then go to the page source (in Firefox: right click and “View Page Source”) CTRL+f and Search for “captionTracks”; In the code you will find:
Take the URL part, replace “\u0026” with “&” and paste it into your browser You will get something like
denver colorado known as the mile high
city is home to almost 2 500 restaurants
located just seven miles from the city
and so on....
If you strip out the html (https://www.striphtml.com/) and take the text and check the density of uncommon words (i used my own tool, but you can use any online tool). You can see that words like “frozen”, “sausage” and “meatball hero” are used several times.
If you go on youtube again and search for “frozen sausage meatball hero” (no quotations), our video will appear as the third result.
If you look into the html code of the page, none of the entities “frozen”, “sausage”, “meatball hero” appear anywhere on the page.
You can use the same method to check other videos that youtube did closed captions for. Simple and easy trick for Youtube SEO